Oral Presentations
The main language of the conference is English. Studies can be present in English, Arabic and Turkish during the conference. But the text of abstract/paper/poster which will take place in the proceeding book, should be in English.
Poster Presentations
The main language of the conference is English. Studies can be present in English, Arabic and Turkish during the conference. But the text of abstract/paper/poster which will take place in the proceeding book, should be in English.
Poster presentations will have a dedicated one-hour sessions in the first and second days of the conference.
Poster presentations must be prepared as 50 cm x 70 cm.
Abstract Submission
To submit the abstract, register and login to the web site and submit your abstract by using the Abstract Submission link exists on the Author Menu from the left side. Then, submit your abstract (until 300 words, written as plain text in English) using the online panel of your conference account.
Paper Submission
To submit the full paper, login to the web site and submit your paper by using the Paper Submission link exists on the Author Menu from the left side.
Papers should be prepared acording to the rules and regulations detailed below.
Rules and Regulations:
- Paper file should be prepared with the file type of .doc or .docx.
- Paper size must be A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm).
- Margins must be 1 inch (2.54 cm ).
- Font type must be Times New Roman.
- Font size must be 10 point (except paper title is 14 pt) in single space, and justified.
- Paper title should be all in capital letters, and centered.
- A blank line should be left after the title. After the title, names of authors should be provided.
- Full papers should include an abstract with a maximum of 300 words. Also papers should include keywords. List three to five words regarding the essential elements of the paper content.
- Tables and figures should be centered and not exceed the given page margins. The font size of tables and figures can be reduced to 7 pt.
- Table titles should be on top of the table and all words should be bold, centered, and first letters capitalized (all words should start with capital letters).
- Figures titles should be bold, centered, first letters capitalized and located at the bottom of the figures.
- One blank line should be allowed between the components of the paper (i.e. introduction, methods and procedures, results, conclusion, references.).
- One blank line should be allowed between the paragraphs.
- Main headings should be centered, bold and all letters capitalized. The second level of headings should be left justified, bold and first letters capitalized. The third level should be left justified, italicized, bold and first letters capitalized.
- References and citations within the text should be prepared in the APA format.
Please use the supplied template
